1)She doesnt live in the country,.... she?
a)isnt b)is
c)does d)doesnt
2)Pete is.....than his brother,because he is older.
a)tall b)taller c)tallerest
3)I like animals very much,but i have ..pet
a)no a b)any c)no d)some
4).....it raining or snowing today?
A)is b)do c) does
5)Tom likes ....cheese very much
a)a b)- c)some
6)Give me ....banana,please
a)- b)a c)an
7)An elephant has a ... nose
a)very long b)longer c)the longest
8) Theree grey ...live under the floor
a)mouses b)mice
9)How ....girls are there in your class?
a)many b)much
10)Where is my ...lead?(поводок)I want to go for a walk with my pet.
a)dog's b)dogs' c)dogs's
11)It's eight o'clock in the evening.Kitty ...for a walk with her dog.
a)does b)is going c)will go
12)Last Saturday I...up very early, because I...to give a present to my Mum.
a)get up, want b)got up,wanted c)gets up,wants


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. She doesn't live in the country, does she?
2. Pete is taller than his brother because he is older.
3. I like animals very much, but I have no pet.
4. Is it raining or snowing today?
5. Tom likes cheese very much.
6. Give me a banana, please.
7. An elephant has a very long nose.
8. Three grey mice live under the floor.
9. How many girls are there in your class?
10. Where is my dog's lead? I want to go for a walk with my pet.
11. It's eight o'clock in the evening. Kitty is going for a walk with her dog.
12. Last Saturday I got up very early because I wanted to give a present to my mum.

Ева312: так быстро?
Ева312: это точно правильно?
Аноним: Я быстро печатаю.
Да, правильно.
Ева312: можете тогда это проверить. Отмечу ответ, как лучший
Ева312: 1. 1. b Is there ...... at home?
a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody
2 My mother likes ..... coffee, and I like ___ milk
a) a b) the c) -
3 This sumemer was ..... summer of the decade.
a) the hottest b) hot c) hotter
4 Are there ..... pensils in your pensil-box?
a) many b) much
5 ...... coat is lovely, but .... two coast are ugly
a) this, these b) there, this c) the, that
6 ____ Sun goes round the Earth
a) a b) the c) -
7 On the .... of september all children in Russia go to school
a) one b)
Ева312: 2. c
3. c
4. a
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. c
10. c
11. c
Ева312: 12 а
Ева312: b) the c) -
8 Two nice ___ live in my house
a) puppys b) puppy c) puppies
9 Marry ____ like orange juice
a) isn t b) don t c) doesn t
10 Mum ....: "What a nice boy have I got ! " when she ..... the clean table
a) see, saw b) sayd, sow c) said, saw
11 My cat hasn t got kittens, .....?
a) isn, t it b) hasn, t it c) has it d) does it
12 Yasha and Kesha are my parrots. The ____ cage is clean
a) parrot, s d) parrot, s c) parrots, s
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