Отработка грамматического материала "Употребление настоящих времен»:

Open the brackets to put the verbs into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:

I am reading an interesting book. I (read) this book for two hours. I already (read) 30 pages.
The boys are at the stadium. They (play) football since morning,
Sam just (do) all his homework. Now he can go out for a walk.
They are writing an English composition at the moment. They (write) it all the morning. But they (not finish) it yet.
Polly likes riding a horse. She (ride) for three hours. She never (ride) so long.
My father works in the office. He (work) there since he graduated from the University.

Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

– How long you (learn) English, Mary?
I (learn) it for three years.
– Where is Catherine? – She is in the kitchen. She (cook) a family Christmas dinner since morning. She just (bake) a big pie.
– Are you playing on the computer? – Yes, I (play) for two hours. I (win) three computer games.
Susan (help) her mother about the house all day long. They already (clean) the floor and (dust) the furniture.
John and Mary (go) shopping since 3 o’clock. They (buy) a lot of nice things.


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. I am reading an interesting book. I have been reading this book for two hours. I have already read 30 pages.
2. The boys are at the stadium. They have been playing football since morning.
3. Sam has just done all his homework. Now he can go out for a walk.
4. They are writing an English composition at the moment. They have been writing it all the morning. But they haven't finished it yet.
5. Polly likes riding a horse. She has been riding for three hours. She never has ridden so long.
6. My father works in the office. He has been working there since he graduated from the University.


1. — How long have you been learning English, Mary? — I have been learning it for three years.
2. — Where is Catherine? — She is in the kitchen. She has been cooking a family Christmas dinner since morning. She has just baked a big pie.
3. — Are you playing on the computer? — Yes, I have been playing for two hours. I have won three computer games.
4. Susan has been helping her mother about the house all day long. They have already cleant the floor and dusted the furniture.
5. John and Mary have been going shopping since 3 o’clock. They have bought a lot of nice things.

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