1. Penny asked if … her letter.
a) Will post b) am posting c) had posted d) was posting
2. She asked me when I … to work.
a) Had to go b) will go c) have gone d) will gave to
3. She said it was a stupid idea and it … .
a) Doesn`t work b) will have work c) wouldn`t work d) work.
4. She told me she … to America.
a) Never was b) had never been c) will never be d) would never be
5. He said that he … to Oxford University in the 60s
a) Had been b) will be c) has been d) was gone
6. She said she … help me because she had too much to do.
a) Can`t be b) will be able c) is to d) couldn`t
7. I thought the film … interesting and decided to go to the cinema.
a) Had been b) is c) would be d) will
8. She said she … to Paris soon.
a) Was going b) went c) goes d) will go
9. He said that he … to the teacher the day before.
a) Had gone b) has gone c) would go d) was going.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Penny asked if … her letter. a) I will post
2. She asked me when I … to work. a) Had to go
3. She said it was a stupid idea  and it … . c) wouldn`t work
4. She told me she … to America. b) had never been
5. He said that he … to Oxford University in the 60s. a) Had been
6. She said she … help me because she had too much to do. d) couldn`t
7. I thought the film … interesting and decided to go to the cinema. c) would be
8. She said she … to Paris soon. a) was going
9. He said that he … to the teacher the day before. a) had gone

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