Choose the correct item.
1. Alice used to .. in that house
a) live b) lived c) living
2. Yesterday I ... my friend.
a) used to meet b) met c)meet
3. These cars ... in Russia.
a) are made b)made c)have made
4. The newspapers are .. every day.
a) sell b) sold c) selling
5. She didn't see ...
a) nothing b) something c) anything
6. They have holidays four times ... year
a) a b) an c) the
7. He ... his homework now.
a) is doing b) does c) used to do
8.He usually ... his homework in the afternoon.
a) is doing b) does c) used to do
9. You had a good time,...?
a) didn't you b) hadn't you c) had you
10. Mary took the box ... was made of metal.
a) who b) which c) what
B1. Bikes and cars ... in this factory.
a) make b) made c) are made
B2. The telephone is .. every day.
a) use b) used c) using
B3. We didn't meet ... .
a) someody a) anybody c) nobody
B4. His uncle used to ... a lot.
a) travel b) travelled c)travelling
B5. She ... the piano now.
a) is paying v) plays c) used to play
B6. She usually ... the piano in the evening.
a) is paying v) plays c) used to play
B7. Yesterday we... the new film.
a) discuss b) used to discuss c) discussed
B8. They had a nice garden,...?
a) didn't they b) hadn't they c) did they
B9. Once I met a boy ... could speak five languages.
a) who b) which c) what
B10. They have examinations once ... year.
a) a b) an c) the
Пожалуйста, ответь правильно)) Заранее спасибо.


Ответ дал: caxap1279
1        a  live
2    B met
3       A are made
4        b sold
5       C anything
6       A year
7       A is doing
8       B does
9       B hadn’t you
10    B which
B1 c are made
B2 b  used
B3 a anybody
B4 a travel
B5 a is playing
B6 v plays
B7 c discussed
B8 b hadn’t they
B9 a who
B10 a a year
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