Put the verbs into the right tense forms.
1) If the weather is nice tomorrow, we ______________ to the river (to go).
2) I'll be happy if I ______________ afive in Maths.(to get)
3) If we go by train, we ______________ late. (to be)
4) You will catch a cold if you __________ a warm coat. (not to put on).
5) If she __________ free time,she will go to the cinema. (to have)
6) When my parents come, we ______________ "Monopoly".(to play)
7) When it stops raining, they ______________ their Granny. (to visit)


Ответ дал: MrCmoking
1) went
2) got
3) was
4) также
5) had
6) played
Ответ дал: Katya658473
1) went 2) got 3) was 4) также 5) had 6) played 7)visited Правильно потому что у меня такое же задание было? И оно у меня на 5

Katya658473: У меня такое же задание было
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