Choose the correct answer: its or it's.

1) - What's the time? - ... five past ten.

2) ... not my bag.

3) They live in a village, but I don't remember ... name.

4) ... time to go to school.

5) -What's the weather today? - ... sunny.

6) ... not my business.

Choose the correct answer: his or he's.

1) ... parents are very strict.

2) ... an engineer.

3)... wife is also an engineer.

4) This is John. ... a good student.

5) Is this your book? No, it's ...

6) My parents and ... parents are friends.


Ответ дал: Girl35
1)it's 2)it's 3)its 4)it's 5)it's 6)it's
1)his 2)he's 3)his 4)he's 5)his 6)his
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