вставьте слова на месте пропуска
1)- Mary! What .......... you .......... (do)?
- I .........(make) cakes right now.
I think, they ......... (be) very tasty. Come to my place.
- OK.
2)- hello, Betty! I ........(phone) you yesterday morning. Nobody ........ (answer).
- On, we........(be) in the country.
- ........ you ........ (go) there next weekend?
- I think we won"t.
3)-Mum! when ......... we .........(get off) the train?
- In three stops. We ........(arrive) in Moscow in two hours.


Ответ дал: mariamopich
1) are you doing
Am making
Will be
2) phoned, answered
Will you go
3) will we get off
Will arrive
Ответ дал: nunny
1) - Mary! What ....are.... you .......... (doing)?
- I ......am...(making) cakes right now.
I think, they ...will...... (be) very tasty. Come to my place.
- OK.
2) - hello, Betty! I ........(phoned) you yesterday morning. Nobody ........ (answered).
- On, we........(were) in the country.
- .....Will... you ........ (go) there next weekend?
- I think we won"t.
3) - Mum! when ....will..... we .........(get off) the train?
- In three stops. We ....will....(arrive) in Moscow in two hours.

Аноним: Помоги с заданием, пожалуйста, если не сложно. Очень нужно: http://znanija.com/task/11175761
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