Помогите пожалуйста!!!
1) I ...... it really difficult to solve Maths problems.
1) find 2) make 3)do 4)see
2) We arrived....the city centre by underground.
1) to 2)info 3)for 4)in
3)Sofia is the plece ...... we often spend our summer holidays.
1)that 2)which 3)where 4)whose
4) Peter never lies.He is ...... person
1) an impatient 2) a dishonest 3)an honest 4)a patient


Ответ дал: filipp101
2- 4
3- 3
4- 3
прав ответы

fybcf2013: There is high .... inSpain.More and more people are out of work. 1) empioyed 2)unemploymed 3)unemploed 4)employment It is a pity that I hever not got a dagital camera. I wish I ......... one. 1)will have 2)had 3)have got 4)had not London is ................ city.People of different races, cuiture and religions live thare. 1) an industrial 2)a crowded 3) an ugly 4) cosmopolitan
filipp101: а это что? тоже задание? тогда все давай по правилам с баллами за решение
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