Выберите и вставьте подходящие по смыслу неопределённые местоимения или их производные: some, any, no, something, somebody, anything, anybody, everybody, nobody, nothing.

1. Are there .... new buildings in your street?
2. There is .... in the bag. It's empty.
3. .... can help him now. There are no people at the office.
4. He will give her .... money, she has no .... .
5. Is .... at home? No, there is .... .
6. Tell us the story, please. .... knows it yet.
7. Do you have .... new friends in the college?
8. Can I have .... hot tea or coffee? It's cold today.
9. She can see .... in the water. She can't understand what.
10. We have no .... sugar. Please, buy .... sugar and three oranges.
11. .... knows that water is necessary for life.
12. There is .... in that box. What is it?
13. Please, bring me .... apples. Of course, would you like .... else?
14. The bag is too heavy. .... can lift it.
15. Are there .... in the fridge? Yes, there is .... juice and fruit there.
Помогите пожалуйста!!!


Ответ дал: tanyabryga
1. Are there any new buildings in your street?
2. There is nothing in the bag. It's empty.
3. Nobody can help him now. There are no people at the office.
4. He will give her some money, she has no money.
5. Is anybody at home? No, there is nobody.
6. Tell us the story, please. Nobody knows it yet.
7. Do you have any new friends in the college?
8. Can I have some hot tea or coffee? It's cold today.
9. She can see something in the water. She can't understand what.
10. We have no .... sugar. Please, buy some sugar and three oranges.
11. Everybody knows that water is necessary for life.
12. There is something in that box. What is it?
13. Please, bring me some apples. Of course, would you like something else?
14. The bag is too heavy. Nobody can lift it.
15. Is there anything in the fridge? Yes, there is some juice and fruit there.

VladDope: Танечка, спасибо огромное. Господи, я думал никто не поможет. Просто большое спасибо :3
tanyabryga: В подчеркнут. предложениях не уверенна
tanyabryga: То есть они грамматически правильные, но с условиями не совпадают.
VladDope: Да пойдёт. Спасибо ещё раз)
Ответ дал: filipp101
Any nothing nobody some no
5. Anybody nobody
6 nobody
7 any
9 something
10 - some
12 something
13sone something
15anything some

VladDope: И тебе огромное спасибо за старания :)
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