Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1. That young man is my neighbour.
2 There is a fox, a wolf, a sheep, a bear, and a deer in our new Zoo.
3. She is a student from Germany. She is German.
4. He is a student from Britain. He is Britishman.
5. This day is wonderful.
6. That woman is my cousin.
7. What's your mother's job?

8. This businessman's safe is full of confidential documents.
2. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном падеже.
1.​Mike, give your newspaper to me, please.
2​Don4 invite that auditor!
3.​He doesn’t know me and mv husband. We are newcomers here.
4​Sign these documents, please.
5.​They have a new contract for that businessman.
6​Give the inquiry to the manager. She is a specialist in that sphere.


Ответ дал: redrodger
1 These young men are my neighbors.
2 There are foxes, wolves, sheep, bears, and deer in our new Zoo.
5 These days are wonderful.
6 These women are my cousins.

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