1. Many people understand _________ (theirs , their ) pets .
2. Gail talks with______ ( her , hers ) all the time .
3. She understands _____ ( their, theirs ) special language .
4. 1 understand _____ ( my , mine ) cat very clearly .
5. Hannah understands ____ ( her , here ) cat, too .
6 . Hannah"s cat often plays wint _____(my , mine ) .
7. Perhaps they talk about _____( their, theirs ) owners .
8 . Do you understand _____ ( your , yours ) pets ?
очень нужно 


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. Many people understand ( their ) pets .
2. Gail talks with ( hers ) all the time .
3. She understands ( their ) special language . 
4. I understand ( my ) cat very clearly . 
5. Hannah understands ( her ) cat, too .
6. Hannah's cat often plays with( mine ) . 
7. Perhaps they talk about ( their ) owners .
8. Do you understand ( your ) pets ?
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