нужен текст по англ.мове про спорцмена


Ответ дал: vladatsarenko
I am really fond of sport. I especially like tennis, swimming, skiing, basketball, and figure-skating. However, my favourite type of sport is football. I like both playing and watching it. Football is played in many countries, so I support foreign teams as well as the domestic ones. I know many great players of football. Among them, Maradona, Zidan, Arshavin, Totti, Maldini, Beckham, Cnatona, Messi, Vieri, but most of all I like Ronaldo. I like the way he plays and behaves. He seems to be not only talented but also a strong-willed guy. His full name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro. I know people who don’t like this Portuguese-born footballer but I adore him. He is considered to be the most expensive footballer of all times. To transfer from “Manchester United” team to Spanish “Real” he was paid more than 83 million pounds. Ronaldo was born on February the 5th, 1985 in Madeira neighborhood. He was the youngest child in a family and his father named him after the American President Ronald Reagan. His career in football started rather early. At the age of eight he already played for the amateur team “Andorinha”. When he turned ten, he signed his first contract with the local club “Nacional”. Today, Ronaldo is one of the best players in the world and he plays as a forward for the Spanish club “Real Madrid”. He is known to be mentally sharp, predicting certain plays, and having very good reactions. He was also the first player to win all main football awards. Apart from being a great player, Ronaldo often donates money and personal possessions to charity funds and people who are in need.
Ответ дал: lizalliza68
My Favourite Sportsman (Klitschko Brothers)

Among all the sportsmen in the world I like Klitschko brothers most of all. Vitali Klitschko (born 19 July 1971) and Wladimir Klitschko (born 25 March 1976), collectively known as еhe Klitschko brothers are Ukrainian heavyweight boxers.

They reside in Germany and in Ukraine, where they are media stars. Both brothers made their professional debut on November 6, 1996 in Hamburg. Since then both have been heavyweight world champions in boxing. They have stated they will never fight each other. After a series of injuries, Vitali had a career break of almost four years. In his comeback fight in Berlin on October 11, 2008 he defeated Samuel Peter to regain the title of WBC world heavyweight champion. At that time Wladimir was already world heavyweight champion with the WBO, IBF and IBO. That was the first time in history with two brothers world champions at the same time.Vitali retained the WBC Heavyweight Championship in 2011. On July 2, 2011, Wladimir won the WBA Title, which means that the Klitschko brothers hold all of the World Heavyweight Titles collectively.

The Klitschko brothers jointly run the professional boxing promotion companies "K2 Promotions" and "K2 East Promotions" , as well as the "Klitschko Brothers Fund", a charity organisation. They appear together on German TV shows and commercials, have a common website klitschko.com and support each other's training and fights. Now they have a combined professional boxing record of 101 wins (90KO's) and 5 defeats.

The nickname of Wladimir is "Dr. Steelhammer" and the Nickname of Vitali is "Dr. Ironfist". Vitali Klitschko is married to Natalia Egorova, a former athlete and model. They met in Kiev and got married in 1996. He has three children. He takes an active part in the political life of Ukraine. Wladimir is single and is fond of music and cinema.

Мой любимый спортсмен (Братья Кличко)

Среди всех спортсменов в мире я люблю братьев Кличко больше всего. Виталий Кличко (родился 19 июля 1971 г.) и Владимир Кличко (родился 25 марта 1976 г.), известные как братья Кличко, являются украинскими боксерами-тяжеловесами.

Они живут в Германии и в Украине, где являются настоящими медиа звездами. Оба брата сделали свой профессиональный дебют 6 ноября 1996 года в Гамбурге. С тех пор они чемпионы мира в супертяжелом весе. Они заявили, что они никогда не будут боксировать друг с другом. После серии травм, Виталий был вынужден прервать карьеру почти на четыре года. По его возвращении в ринг в Берлине 11 октября 2008 года он победил Сэмюэля Питера, чтобы вернуть себе звание чемпиона WBC мира в супертяжелом весе. В то время Владимир уже был чемпионом мира по версиям WBO, IBF и IBO. Это был первый раз в истории, когда два брата были чемпионами мира в одно и то же время. Виталий сохранил пояс WBC в супертяжелом весе в 2011 году. 2 июля 2011 года, Владимир завоевал титул WBA, который означает, что братья Кличко завоевали все титулы мира в супертяжелом весе коллективно.

Братья Кличко совместно работают в профессиональном боксе, являются акционерами компаний «K2 Promotions» и «K2 East Promotions», а также "Фонда братьев Кличко» - благотворительной организации. Они появляются вместе на немецких ТВ-шоу и в рекламных роликах, имеют общий сайт и поддерживают друг друга в подготовке к боям. Они имеют общий профессиональный рекорд - 101 побед (90KO) и 5 поражений.

Прозвищем Владимира является "Доктор Железный Молот", а Виталия - "Доктор Железный Кулак". Виталий Кличко женат на Наталье Егоровой, бывшей спортсменке и модели. Они встретились в Киеве и поженились в 1996 году. Он имеет троих детей. Он принимает активное участие в политической жизни Украины. Владимир холост и очень любит музыку и кино.
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