Определите время:Future Simple, Future Progressive, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive or Future-in-the-Past.
1.Sit down and fasten your seat belt.Will take off in a few minutes.
2.OK.By this time tomorrow you will have raked all fallen leaves and will have burnt them.
3.So, you're off for a holiday tomorrow.What time will you be leaving?
4.Everybody knows will be having a meeting on ecological problems next Friday at 4 o'clock.
5.My granny will have retired by the year 2015.
6.They asked me if I would come on time.
7.By this time next week I will have been working on this project gor a year.
8.I like the idea of planting trees in our locatily. Will participate in this project.
9.If industries produce less harmful waste, there would be less acid rain.
10They will have completed the new recycling factory by the end of the year.
11.Do you realise that next year will have been living in this house for twenty years?


Ответ дал: 1979alena
1. F simple
2. F perfect
3. F progressive 
4. F progressive
5. F perfect
6. F in the past
7. F perfect progressive 
8. F simple
9. ?????
10. Future perfect
11. F perfect progressive

любопытная11: в 9 какое время будет
1979alena: нет ли тут ошибки? предложение написано именно так?
любопытная11: да так в учебнике написано
любопытная11: может опечатка
1979alena: 9 предложение не подпадает ни под одно из этих времен: это mixed conditional
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