Закончите предложения, используя в придаточном предложении после союзов as if/as though Past Subjunctive или Perfect Subjunctive:
1) The young man spoke in a loud voice, as if(as though) he … ( to speak to a big audience, to want to prove something, to be proud to declare his views)
2) The girl shivered, as if( as though) she … ( to get wet through, not to feel well).
3) He looks as if(as though) he … (still to be unable to get over the news, to do something wrong, to be disappointed in something).
4) She speaks of the event as if(as though) she … ( to see it herself, to be quite indifferent to it, to find it very boring)
5) She looked pale as if(as though) she … ( to be going to faint, not to recover completely)
6) She shook her head slowly as if (as though) … ( to hesitate whether to accept the offer, to make up one’s mind to deny everything, still not to be obvious)


Ответ дал: nunny
1) The young man spoke in a loud voice, as if he were speaking to a big audience.
2) The girl shivered, as if she had got wet through.
3) He looks as though he still were unable to get over the news.
4) She speaks of the event as if she were quite indifferent to it.
5) She looked pale as though she was going to faint.
6) She shook her head slowly as if hesitating to make up her mind.

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