Задание 3.Вставьтеглагол to be  вформе Present, Past  или Future Indefinite.

1.                      Where .....your brother  now? – He .....in his room.

2.                      ..... she ..... at work tomorrow? – Yes, she ..... .

3.                      ..... you at school yesterday? – Yes, I ..... .

4.                      My sister ..... at school now. She ..... not at home.

5.                      ..... you ..... a teacher in some years?

6.                      My pens ..... not on the table. Where ..... they?

7.                      His brother ..... a child. He ..... 7.

8.                      We ..... pupils last year, but now we ..... students.

9.                      My aunt ..... in Paris now.

10.                  Where ..... your  grandmother? – She ..... in London.

Задание 4. Вставьте some, any  или no.

1.                      I bought ..... books.

2.                      Are there ..... books, on your shelf?

3.                      I have ..... good news for you.

4.                      Did you buy  ..... milk?

5.                      Would you like ..... tea?

6.                      Have you .....pencils?

7.                      Only ..... students came in time.

8.                      There are ..... high houses in his street.

9.                      I want ..... bread, please.

10.                  Are there ..... magazines on the shelf? – Yes,  there are ..... .

11.                  Do you learn ..... foreign languages?

12.                  Have you found ..... mushrooms in the wood?

13.                  She send me ..... postcards from England.


Задание 5.  Выберите thereis  или  thereare для начала следующих предложений. Переведите предложения.

1.                      ..... a nice park in our town.

2.                      ..... a lot of mistakes in your dictation.

3.                      ..... a textbook and two exercise-books on the table.

4.                      ..... some children in the yard.

Задание 6. Переведите на английский язык употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite.

1.                      Где ты живёшь? – Я живу в Москве.

2.                      Кто этот мужчина? – Он директор финансовой компании.

3.                      Твоя сестра говорит по- французски? – Нет. Она говорит по – немецки , а её муж говорит по- английски.

4.                      Этот мальчик играет в футбол и любит смотреть мультипликационные фильмы.

5.                      Как часто вы готовитесь к докладу вместе? – Мы делаем это каждый год.

6.                      Она всегда вовремя приходит на работу.

7.                      Когда ты обычно приходишь с работы домой? – Обычно я прихожу в 7 часов.

8.                      Мой двоюродный брат каждые выходные ходит в бассейн.

9.                      Чья сестра учится в Поволжском государственном колледже? – Моя.

10.                  Он не играет ни на каком музыкальном инструменте.

11.                  Почему ты так редко моешь свою машину?

12.                  Как часто ты пьешь кофе по утрам? – Я пью его каждое утро.


Ответ дал: Miusha

1.                      Where is your brother  now? – He is in his room.

2.                      ...will.. she ...be.. at work tomorrow? – Yes, she ...will.. .

3.                      ...were.. you at school yesterday? – Yes, I ..was... .

4.                      My sister ...is.. at school now. She ..is... not at home.

5.                      ..will... you ..be... a teacher in some years?

6.                      My pens ..are... not on the table. Where ...are.. they?

7.                      His brother ...is.. a child. He ..is... 7.

8.                      We ..were... pupils last year, but now we ..are... students.

9.                      My aunt ...is.. in Paris now.

10.                  Where ...is.. your  grandmother? – She ...is.. in London.

Задание 4. Вставьте some, any  или no.

1.                      I bought ...some.. books.

2.                      Are there ..any... books, on your shelf?

3.                      I have ...some.. good news for you.

4.                      Did you buy  ....any. milk?

5.                      Would you like ..any... tea?

6.                      Have you ..any...pencils?

7.                      Only ...some.. students came in time.

8.                      There are ...no.. high houses in his street.

9.                      I want ...some.. bread, please.

10.                  Are there ..any... magazines on the shelf? – Yes,  there are ..some... .

11.                  Do you learn ...any.. foreign languages?

12.                  Have you found ..any... mushrooms in the wood?

13.                  She send me ...some.. postcards from England.


Задание 5.  Выберите thereis  или  thereare для начала следующих предложений. Переведите предложения.

1.                      ...there is.. a nice park in our town.

2.                      ...there are.. a lot of mistakes in your dictation.

3.                      .there are.... a textbook and two exercise-books on the table.

4.                      ...there are.. some children in the yard.

Where do you live? - I live in Moscow
Who is this man? - He is a director of financial company

Does your sister speak English? - No. She speaks German, and her husband speaks English.
4. This boy plays football and likes to watch cartoons.
5. How often do you prepare for composition together? - We do it every year.
6. She always goes to work in time.
7.  When are you usually come home? - Usually I come at 7 p.m

8. My cousin goes to a swimmingpool each weekends. 
9. Whose sister study at the Povolgski goverment's university?
10. He plays no musical  instruments
11. Why do you wash your car so rarely?
12. How often do you drink cofee in the mornings? - I drink it every morning. 

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