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Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the proper modal verb:
1. I rang you up last night but I ... get you on the phone. 2. I had no change about me, so I … take a bus and … to walk to the office. 3. We ... start the loading because the holds were not clean. 4. We did our best to avoid the damage but we ... 5. We ... wait for the train rather long. 6. We ... buy any provisions at our last port of call as we ... everything in our store room. 7. He ... tell you about it as he didn’t see you yesterday. 8. He caught a bad cold and ... stay at home for a fortnight. 9. The work wasn't easy and ... be done quickly. 10. They knew there was a trouble with the engine but ... locate it. 11. They ... shift to another berth as there was no reason for it. 12. ... you take a pilot to enter the port?


Ответ дал: tanyabryga
1. I rang you up last night but I couldn't get you on the phone.
2. I had no change about me, so I couldn't take a bus and had to walk to the office.
3. We couldn't start the loading because the holds were not clean.
4. We did our best to avoid the damage but we couldn't. 
5. We had to wait for the train rather long.
6. We didn't need to buy any provisions at our last port of call as we had everything in our store room.
7. He couldn't tell you about it as he didn’t see you yesterday.
8. He caught a bad cold and had to stay at home for a fortnight.
9. The work wasn't easy and needed to be done quickly.
10. They knew there was a trouble with the engine but couldn't locate it.
11. They didn't need to shift to another berth as there was no reason for it.
12. Do you have to take a pilot to enter the port?
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