Fill in the gaps with the words that fit in the correct form from the box. You can use the words only once.

to be around
a character
to include
an item
to pack
to represent
a type of

1) Red Square is one of the most ___ icons of Russia.

2) Red Square best ___ Russia because it makes everyone feel the past and present of this country.

3) Every day the Obraztsov Puppet Theatre ___ with people who come to see its performances.

4) The Obraztsov Puppet Theatre clock is ___ clock you cannot find in any other country.

5) The Obraztsov Puppet Theatre clock is decorated with folk tale ____.

6) The circus artis school in Russia____ for a hundred of years.

7) The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts ____ wonderful collections of items from different countries.

8) The Museum of the History of Moscow has more than one million ___ : documents, maps, ancient books, manuscripts and other publications.


Ответ дал: chrissstina
1. significant
2. represents
3. is packed
4. a type of
5. characters
6. is around
7. includes
8. items
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