There was an old building .... the forest. Trees grew .... it. Sam and Kate climbed .... to the door. They went .... the temple. They climbed .... some rocks. There was a picture .... the wall. The girl .... the picture had an orchid .... her hand. Zack and Tex were .... the temple. They closed the door and put some rocks .... it. Kate and Sam were .... the temple.
Слова для справок: behind, in, on, under, over, inside, outside, up, down.


Ответ дал: galina572319
There was an old building .in... the forest. Trees grew outside.. it. Sam and Kate climbed .up... to the door. They went .inside.. the temple. They climbed .over... some rocks. There was a picture .on.. the wall. The girl .in.. the picture had an orchid .in.. her hand. Zack and Tex were behind.. the temple. They closed the door and put some rocks Kate and Sam were the temple.
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