Choose the right names of British popular sports and games to complete the sentences:

1. People in England began to play … as early as 1550
2. … is one of the oldest British sports that existed in Saxon times.
3. …is the sport that began to develop in Scotland.
4. … was first played in England in 1872, whose first championship was at Wimbledon.
5. … is a game invented and developed in England which is nowadays played all over the world.

из этого столбика выбрать подходящие и вставить в предложения:


Ответ дал: GerardArthurWay
2. boxing
3. golf
4. tennis
5.  football

GerardArthurWay: а первое крикет, я так думаю
GerardArthurWay: cricket на английском, если что
beemo: спасибо с:
да я крикет забыла :р
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