You're sitting in the waiting room, trying to get some sleep and your neighbor is singing. You think of possible ways of making him stop.
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Ответ дал: Liialiia26
-I'm sorry for interrupting you, but you are a little bit annoying.
-would you like me to stop singing?
-yes, if it is not very difficult
-oh, actually it is. Can you name any reasons for this?
-I had a long way and now I am trying to sleep a little bit
-ok, but I had a dreadful flight too and I am trying to relax in some way
-I can understand that, but our points are equal
-you are right
-and what we will do?
-I think I'd better sleep in my earphones and you might sing not that loud. Deal?

Liialiia26: in a way*
Liialiia26: what will we do*
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