Помогите вставить или "а" , или "the" там где это необходимо.
1) There are a lot of galaxies in ____ Universe.
2) ____ Sun is a star.
3) ____ Moon gives us its light at night.
4) There are five continents in ___ world. They are ___ Europe and ___ Asia, ___ Africa, ___ Australia, ___ North and ___ South America, and ___ Antarctica.
5) There are four oceans in ___ Earth. They are ___ Indian, ___ Artic, ___ Atlantic, and ___ Pacific.
6) ___ Nile, ___ Amazon and ___ Mississippi are the largest rivers in ___ world.
7) ___ Crimean mountains are in ___ Crimea.
8) ___ Great Britain lies between two seas: ___ North Sea and ___ Irish Sea.


Ответ дал: 1lisa1lisa1
4)the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the
5)the, the, the, the, the, the.
6)the, the, the, the
7)the, the.
8)the, the, the.

shurik2791: почему только the?
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