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Ответ дал: ЛилияL
1 Dave didn't go to the bank the other day 2he came in five minutes ago 3I looked for my cat yesterday 4Sally phoned her friend four times yesterday 5she took her dog for a walk three times yesterday 6I didn't ask him a question 7sue went to Spain on holiday last week 8Jim and George didn't catch the tram yesterday morning 9we lived in a little house on the bank of the river last summer
Ответ дал: psa2
1.Dave didn't go to the bank the other day. 2.He came in five minutes ago. 3.I looked for my cat yesterday. 4.Sally phoned her friend four times yesterday. 5.She took her dog for a walk three times yesterday. 6.I didn't ask him a question. 7.Sue went to Spain on holiday last week. 8.Jim and George didn't catch the tram yesterday morning. 9.We lived in a little house on the bank of the river last summer.
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