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My neighbour: "Why is Nancy shouting?" My neighbour asked me...
The host: "Who doesn't like cheese?" The host asked us...
"Where is my umbrella?" she asked. She asked me...
"How are you?" Martin asked me. Martin asked us...
"Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. The mother asked her daughter...
The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?" The teacher asked the students...
"How do you know that?" she asked me. She asked me...


Ответ дал: nunny
My neighbour asked me why Nancy was shouting.
The host asked us w
ho didn't like cheese.
She asked me
where her umbrella was.
Martin asked us how I was.
The mother asked her daughter
where she had been.
The teacher asked the students who spoke English.
She asked me
how I knew that.

Ответ дал: lennara011
1)My neighbour asked me why Nancy was shouting.
2) The host asked us who didn't like cheese .
3) She asked me where my umbrella was.
4) Martin asked us how we was.
5) The mother asked her daughter where she had been.
6) The teacher asked students who spoke English.
7) She asked me how I knew that.
P.S отметь пожалуйста как лучший ;)
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