ТВІР НА ТЕМУ "НАУКИ"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: meri2000
I am sure that very little could be compared with the feelings of a man, when he made a scientific discovery. He had a new, still completely unknown, his discovery прославив our country. It is this that gives the highest satisfaction of the scientist.

Every year in science are young specialists. They are included immediately in the most difficult area has been recently seemed fantastic. They are engaged in problems of the atom, of the cosmos, the extension of the life of man, take up the struggle with AIDS and cancer.

Progress in science is impossible without love to his profession, without overcoming the difficulties. Science demands of heroism. This is just typical of his youth. It carries with it the confidence that he could write a new page in the history book. And it is beautiful. Science opens up a vast field of activity. And it would be impossible to tell, that all is already open, that finally solved all the problems. So I wish all of entering the path in science (physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, astrology, etc.), new discoveries, the courageous overcoming all the obstacles, the more self confidence. And the most important thing to you and your discoveries proud of the country you are.
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