Можете написать портфолио про eminem'а там надо когда родился год/месяц/день знаменитый трек rap good например стиль рэп и т.д


Ответ дал: Lemov
He was born in USA,his name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III,but he take a alias - Eminem.Today he 42 years old.He was born at 17 day of October at 1972 yrar.Today he is rapper, music producer, composer, actor.He's genre is hip hop.Hes the most famous song is...,this is song was writting by... at .... year.He achieved popularity in 1999 after he released his first album "Infinite" in 1996.
Eminen was married twice with one women and they have a dother that born in 1995 year.
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Шара2001: я там малёх ток переделал )) спасибо тебе большое очень благодарен ))))
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