Read the sentences. Then ask the questions.
Example: I came to Russia last spring. --
Did you come to Russia last spring?

1. We played badminton yesterday.
2. The children drew a nice picture last night.
3. Jim read an interesting fairy tale last Sunday.
4. Jill wrote a letter to Santa Claus last week.
5. They skied in the park yesterday.
6. Simon caught a big fish a month ago.


Ответ дал: земляВика
Did you play badminton yesterday?
Did the children draw a nice picture last night?
Did Jim read an interesting fairy tale last Sunday?
Did Jill write a letter to Sanya Claus last week?
Did they sky in the park yesterday?
Did Simon catch a big fish a mounth ago?

Detka2204: Спасибо!!
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