напишите письмо в журнал о проблеме (домшнего задания, слишком мало свободного времени и др.)


Ответ дал: anacondaVIP
Each person should be their free time, but because of the extensive homework,alas I do not. In the first place is, of course, the learning, because we all know that studying is very important for us to further our lives, but if not for the fact that it takes too much time.Especially when studying subjects such as algebra,geometry.... Every day, after school I do homework, repeat lessons, repeat English, learn the new rules of the Russian language , to improve your Russian language and to learn well the language. In addition to studying,in my spare time I like to read Russian writers. Since childhood I have loved the reading, because reading brings me joy and pleasure and for a moment I can escape from the constant worries

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