Put the verbs in the ccorect form.
1 If i (can) visit any planet,i (go) to Mars
2 We (collect) some rocks if we (land) on the Moon
3 If we (build) a space city,a lot of people (like) to live there
4 If i (meet) an alien,I (talk) to him
5 We (go) to the Space Flight Control. Centre if we (win) the competition

bayzhenova: Пожалуйста,с английским плохо


Ответ дал: nfcz000666
1 If i can visit any planet,i will to mars

bayzhenova: А остальное не знаете ?
Ответ дал: 1111lera77
1 can, will go
2 will collect, land
3 build, will like
4 meet, will talk
5 will go, win

bayzhenova: Спасибочки)
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