вставить some, any или no
перевести на русский язык
1) the baby always ( to sleep) after dinner.
2) my grandmother ( not to work). she is on pension.
3) my father ( not to sleep ) now. he ( to work ) in the garden.
4) I usually ( to get ) up at seven o'clock in the morning.
5) what your sister ( to do ) now ? she ( to wash ) her face and hands

TURALEMAN2209: куда надо поставить some , any , no?


Ответ дал: galina572319

1) The baby always (sleeps) after dinner.

Ребенок всегда спит после обеда.

2) My grandmother ( doesn't work). She is on pension.

Моя бабушка не работает, она на пенсии.

3) My father ( isn't sleeping ) now. He ( is working ) in the garden.

Мой папа не спит, мой папа работает в саду.

4) I usually ( get ) up at seven o'clock in the morning.

Я обычно встаю в 7 утра .

5) What is your sister ( doing ) now ? She ( is washing ) her face and hands

Что твоя сестра делает? Она моет руки и лицо.

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