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Ответ дал: ВоваDrum
1.On Sunday, I will prepare a holiday dinner.
2.In the evening, we will not be watching TV, we will be reading a new book.
3.At 7 o'clock we will be meeting mum at the station.
4.When you will come, they will not have a lunch, they will wait you.
5.Tomorrow, at the morning we will be planting flowers about school.
6.Puples of the 6th grade will not be writing dictation on the next lesson of English, the will be reading new texts.
7.Come to a meeting with this writer, he will talk about his books.
8.What will you do after the lunch?
9.Will they dance after a concert?
10.At the next year my brother will learn french language.

rus222003: Спасибо огромное
ВоваDrum: Всегда рад помочь)
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