V. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets:
1. You must take two ... before each meal, (tablets, cough-mixture, gargle) 2. If you follow my ... you will feel better tomorrow, (physician, disease, instructions) 3. When you have a toothache you must consult ... (a nurse, a dentist, an oculist) 4. ... operates on people, (therapeutist, psychiatrist, surgeon) 5. The doctor put down everything she found into my mother's ... . (note, patient's file, prescription)


Ответ дал: tanyabryga
1. You must take two tablets before each meal. 
2. If you follow my 
instructions you will feel better tomorrow.
3. When you have a toothache you must consult 
a dentist.
4. Surgeon operates on people.
5. The doctor put down everything she found in my mother's prescription.
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