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The Cyrillic alphabet is the alphabet used in Russian text. It is one of the most (B13)_________________________(wide) used alphabets in the world.
The alphabet is used in (B14)_________________________(vary) languages, including Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Ukrainian.
It began in the (B15)_________________________(ten) century in the Bulgarian Empire. It was created by two Greek brothers, Cyril and Methodius.
It was formed from the Greek alphabet, although there are many (B16)_______________________________(differ) between the two.
Some people would like the alphabet to be called the Russian alphabet,
to refer to Russia, just as the Greek alphabet refers to Greece. They (B17)_______________________________(agree) with the name Cyrillic.
The alphabet recently became the EU’s third (B18)_______________________(office) script, after Latin and Greek, when Bulgaria joined the EU.


Ответ дал: galina572319

В13. widely

В14. various

В15. tenth

В16. differences

В17. agreed

В18. official

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