A-------the day in London [you/spend]
B Yes-------my cousin Sarah[I/see]
---------me at Victoria Station [she/meet]
A What ------[you/do]
B---------a boat trip down the river [we/take]
A---------to France?[your parents/drive]
B No -------------the car[they/not take]
----------for some cheap plane tickets on the internet [Dad/look]

olgkot: а задание какое?


Ответ дал: AnnaAndreevna95
A. Did you spend the day in London?
B. Yes, I saw my cousin Sarah.She met me at Victoria Station.
A.What did you do?
B.We took a boat trip down the river.
A. Did your parents drive to France?
B.No. They didn't take the car. Dad looked for some cheap plane tickets on the Internet.
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