1. Do you know that … tomato is a berry not a vegetable.
A) a
B) an
C) the
2. I have ... pet. It is … kitten. … kitten is so lovely!
A) a; a; the
B) a; a; a
C) the; the; the
D) the; a; the
3. When will we go … home?
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) –
4. I live in … street which is … oldest in our town.
A) the; a
B) the; the
C) a; a
D) a; the
5. … Pacific ocean is … biggest on … Earth.
A) a; a; the
B) a; a; a
C) the; the; the
D) the; a; the
6. Which river is longer - … Volga or … Nile?
A) -; -
B) the; the
C) a; a
D) a; the
7. The Don often …“Father Don”.
A) is called
B) called
C) calling
D) was calling
8. Whom … this composition by?
A) written
B) is writing
C) was written
D) wrote
9. The work … next week.
A) is done
B) will be doing
C) will be done
D) will do
10. This coat … much.
A) isn’t wearing
B) isn’t worn
C) hasn’t worn
D) doesn’t wear
11. The ground … with snow in winter.
A) will cover
B) will be covering
C) is covered
D) will covered
12. There are … state languages in Canada.
A) two
B) one
C) three
D) four
13. The capital of Canada is …
A) Quebec
B) Washington
C) Montreal
D) Ottawa
14. Lake Baikal is the … lake on the Earth.
A) widest
B) coldest
C) deepest
D) warmest
15. England is one of the … parts of the United Kingdom.
A) two
B) three
C) four
D) five


Ответ дал: kitsune98089
1. D 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.a 7.b 8.c 9.c 10.a 11.d 12.a 13.d 14.c 15.c
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