Выберите подходящий вариант из предложенных:
1. If you phoned/had phoned me yesterday, I had told/would have told you.
2. If you took/would have taken more exercise, you might feel/had felt better.
3. If Tim would have listened/had listened more carefully, he wouldn’t have made/didn’t make that mistake.
4. If we’d found/we found suitable premises, we’d have moved/we had moved earlier.
5. If people kept/had kept their offices more tidy, it might present/presented a better image to our visitors.
6. If I’d known/I would know about their financial problems, I wouldn’t do/wouldn’t have done business with them.
7. If our side had been/was better prepared, we succeeded/could have succeeded in the negotiations .
8. I wouldn’t/won’t worry if I am/were you.


Ответ дал: nivinna
1. If had phoned me yesterday, I would have told you. 
2. If you took more exercise, you might feel better. 
3. If Tim would have listened more carefully, he wouldn’t have made that mistake. 
4. If we’d found suitable premises, we’d have moved earlier. 
5. If people kept their offices more tidy, it might present a better image to our visitors. 
6. If I’d known about their financial problems, I wouldn’t have done business with them. 
7. If our side had been better prepared, we could have succeeded in the negotiations . 
8. I wouldn’t worry if I were you. 
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