Составьте вопросы в Present Simple
1.You / the question / answer
2. the teacher / to the board / point
3. we / our punishment / escape
4. the boss / the contract / sign
5. I / a car / want
6. Gareth / the bin / empty
7. she / her mistakes / correct
8. we / house / move
9. he / a computer / have
10. you / the house / see


Ответ дал: stupid2015
You answer the question
The teacher point to the board
We escape our punishment
The boss sign the contract
I want a car
Garth empty the bin
We move house
She correct her mistakes
He have a computer
You see the house

stupid2015: порядок немного поменяла)
annasun2000: надо вопрос задать а это не то
Вас заинтересует