составит 12 предложений с to make


Ответ дал: ляля2013
He gave up his playing tennis because of employment. 
She is going to give up smoking. 
The girl has given up studying German and now she regrets about it. 
Last summer I got a letter from my friend but I haven't still replyed to it. 
My girlfriend gets along with my parents, it makes me happy. 
My mother cannot get rid of her old clothes and I try to make her do it. 
My husband used to get up at 7 o'clock, but now he gets up lately. 
I guess I must get ready to my exams.
have to give up smoking to stop astma attacks! 

Snigirt: Здесь только одно предложение с to make и всё!
Ответ дал: verovinnik
1)to make homework
to make a good deed
3)to make the house tidy
4)to make a good job on geography
5)to make a delicious cake
6)to make a collage of photos
7)to make  a beautiful picture
8)to make a gift for mom on birthday
9)to make  test work at 5
10)to make something good
11)to make a nice grandmother
12)to make homework without errors
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