Расставьте сообщения так. Чтобы получился диалог.

- I wanted to please you, mummy
- Really? What is it?
- What is it Billy?
- Mummy, that's for you.
- You may open ir right now.
- This is a small box for you.
- Oh, what lovely sweets! It's so nice of you! I adore these sweets. But why dod you buy them?


Ответ дал: bizon40
- Mummy, that's for you
- Really? What is it?
- This is a small box for you.
- What is it Billy?
- You may open ir right now.
- Oh, what lovely sweets! It's so nice of you! I adore these sweets. But why dod you buy them?
- I wanted to please you, mummy
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