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Ответ дал: galina572319


"The profession of my parents"

 In the past children learned from their parents. They helped them from their young age, and then continued their work. Nowadays, everything has become much more complicated, but at the same time more interesting. We can choose any job, and it only depends on our efforts to get it .

My parents go to work every day. My dad is a businessman. He owns a big shop. Everyone respects him. His work is very difficult. He keeps an eye on his shop. When dad was a boy, he wanted to own a store. In primary school, he went to the Palace of Sport, where he trained in various clubs: volleyball, swimming, speed skating. My dad is a jack-of-all-trades.            My mother wanted to be a teacher since childhood. She liked to teach her dolls, checked their notebooks, in which she wrote something, although she did not really know how to write properly. But when my Mum grew up and married my father, she could not work and she became a housewife. When I come home from school my mother is always at home; she helps me do my homework and many other things. My mother likes her profession. She cleans the house and looks after the me and my little sister, cooks dinner, does the laundry . My dad and I help her with her household chores. My mother works hard. She says to me that if a person wants to have a decent profession, they need to finish school well and enter some college or university. Universities accept those students who do well at school. So I try to get good marks in all the subjects. Since I'm in the fourth grade, I haven't quite decided on my profession yet. “ All professions are good, choose to your taste”, wrote the poet Mayakovsky. Yes, all professions are good. I want to teach or treat children. I try to get only good grades, because good knowledge will be useful for me in my future profession! Choosing a profession is a very important step in everyone's life. You must make the right choice. Therefore, we need to know what we are going to become in the future.

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