Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужное время.
1. This ear our patent office (receive) applications from many young inventors.
2. When they (start) their promotional campaign?
3. In the near future we (include) different size screens and colour.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. This year our patent office (has received) applications from many young inventors.
2. When did they (start) their promotional campaign?
3. In the near future we (shall include) different size screens and colour.

imarcusfenics: Спасибо большое, есть еще один вопрос
imarcusfenics: Задайте к следующим предложениям вопросы, начиная их со слов, данных в скобках. State banks are supervised by the state in which they are operated.
(What? Whom? What banks?)
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