Переведите следующие предложения:
1) У нас была Рождественская Ёлка и мне стало скучно. Я вышел на улицу и увидел щенка. Она подобрался ко мне и облизнул меня.
2) Я заметила что не хватает. Я выла на улицу и увидела что Рикки сидит вместе с щенком. Я удивилась. Мы забрали щенка домой.


Ответ дал: Аноним
1)We had a Christmas Tree and I was bored. I went outside and saw the puppy. She came up to me and licked me.

I noticed that it was missing. I howled outside and saw Ricky sitting with the puppy. I was surprised. We took the puppy home
Ответ дал: irusikmaliusik
1. We had Christmas Tree and it was boring.
I went outside and saw a puppy. He crept up to me and licked me.
2. I noticed that was missing. I went outside and saw that Ricky is sitting with a puppy. I was surprised. We took the puppy at home.
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