пожалуйста помогите


kopylov1570: Английский я ненавижу
polina1606: Я люблю
polina1606: Я попробую, но не факт что верно
ANDREGOR2005: спасибо
polina1606: нужно сократить именно предложения или действия некоторые убрать?
ANDREGOR2005: сократить ее время. чтобы она потратила меньше времени


Ответ дал: polina1606
At 9 o'clock she can drive Betty and Hugo to the station. At 10 o'clock she can buy food, but at 10:30 (half past ten) she must go for a walk with her dogs. Later, at 11 o'clock Dian should have a lunch with Martin. At 11:30 (half past eleven) she can  buy new shoes. At 12 o'clock she should take books from the library. At 12:30 sh can visit her sick friend, but at 13:30 she must take out money at the bank. Later, at 14 o'clock she can drink tea with her friends.

polina1606: Так?
ANDREGOR2005: вроде
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