Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present simple или future simple:

1)If you (to learn) another language you (to get) a better job.
2)If you (to open) that door you (to see) some steps.
3)He (to get angry) if you (not to invite) him.
4)We (to pay) him more if he (to work) well.
5)When Tom (to see) Miss Bradley, he (to give) her your message.
6)If I (to make) a mistake, the teacher (to find) it.
7)You (to have) an aceident if you (not to be) careful.
8)When Don (to call) me, I (to explain) everything to him.
9)We (to discuss) the article as sonn as you (to translate) it.
10)I (to speak) t rank if I (to see) him.
11)She (to take off) her coat when she (to come) to school.
12)If she (not to study) hard she (to fail) in her exam.


Ответ дал: Camomile9
1) learn, will get
2)open, will see
3)will get angry, don't invite
4) will pay, works
5) see, will give
6) make, will find
7) will have, don't
8)calls, will explain
9)will discuss, translate
10) will speak,see
11) will take off, comes
12) doesn't study, will fail

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