4. Вместо точек вставьте глаголы : am/is/do/does(not)

a. I……….English, I’m French.
b. Vienna ………in Austria.
c. Where ……….you from?
d. I………….on holiday. I’m at work.
e. My teacher ………… very funny.
f. What time ………the bank open?
g. My sister ………..eat meat because she ……..like it.
h. I………hungry. How much……….a cheese sandwich?
i. Where ……….you usually go on holiday?
j. Daddy, we……….want to go to bed. We…………tired.
k. Learning English ………boring! It’s interesting.


Ответ дал: wom11
a. I am not English, I’m French.
b. Vienna is in Austria.
c. Where are you from?
d. I am on holiday. I’m at work.
e. My teacher is very funny.
f. What time is the bank open?
g. My sister does eat meat because she is like it.
h. I am hungry. How much is a cheese sandwich?
i. Where are you usually go on holiday?
j. Daddy, we are want to go to bed. We are tired.
k. Learning English is boring! It’s interesting.

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