Ex. XV. Open the brackets using the proper form of the subjunctive mood.
1. He failed to appreciate our difficulty. He (behave) differently if he (realize) the situation. 2. He often asks me about you. If you (come) to see him tonight, he (be) delighted. 3. Why did you leave so hurriedly? If you (stay there for another week, he (finish) your portrait. 4. Why do you always talk in such a scornful manner? If I (be) in your shoes, I (not be) so rude. 5. If you (smoke) less, you (feel) much better. 6. I think that if you (tell) them that our invitation still stands, they (give) it another thought. 7. She (do) her best to save the situation if she (be) there but she was on business then. 8. Where you (go) if you (be) on leave now? 9. How about going to Spain? The weather is perfect. If we (go) now, we (be) able to go water-skiing. 10. If Jack (come) home earlier last night, he (call) you back. 11. If you (not complain) so much then, everyone (be) satisfied and she (not) be fired. 12. What you (reply) if somebody (apologize) to you?


Ответ дал: irmikh0302
1. He would have behaved differently if he had realized the situation.
2. If you came to see him tonight, he would be delighted.
3. If you had stayed there for another week, he would have finish your portrait.
4. If I were be in your shoes, I would not be so rude.
5. If you smoked less, you would feel much better.
6. I think that if you had told them that our invitation still stands, they would have given it another thought.
7. She would have done her best to save the situation if she had been there but she was on business then.
8. Where would you  go if you were on leave now?
9. If we went now, we would be able to go water-skiing.
10. If Jack had come home earlier last night, he would have called you back.
11. If you had not complained so much then, everyone would have been satisfied and she would not have been fired.
12. What would you reply if somebody apologized to you?

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