Помогите пожалуйста сделать второе задание, где стоит галочка.



Ответ дал: olyashkola
2) I am going to the cinema on Wednesday.
3) I am swimming on Thursday.
4) I am playing with your friends on Friday.
5) I am helping your parents about the house on Suturday.
6) I am making birthday presents to your parents on Sunday.

Shaagane1: Спасибо большое!!!
olyashkola: Пожалуйста))
Ответ дал: mikhailkarpov
I'm going to the cinema now
I will be going to swim on Friday at 8 o'clock
I'm going to play with your friends in the evening
I was going to help your parents about the house yesterday at 6 o'clock
I'm going to make birthday presents to your parents in this moment
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