Degrees of comparison.The train is ... than the horse.a)fast b)faster c)more fast d)more faster 3)My mother is ...than my father a)senousb)senouser c)more senous d)more senouser 4) i think this is in the world a) more wonderful b) very wonderful c) the most wonderful d)
most wonderful 4)He reads...than this girl a) bader b)more bad c)worse d)more worse 5) What' you saw last year? a)best b)goodest c) the goodest d) the best


Ответ дал: mioivanna
1) faster (b)
2) more sensuous (c)
3) the most wonderful (c)
4) worse (c)
5) the best (d)

zadil: спасибо большое))
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