1)There are two chairs .... of the table.
a) near b) to the right c) behind
2)We have seven subjects ... the timetable today.
a)in b) at c) on
3) My friends .... leave Moscow on Friday.
a)is going to b)are going to c)are going
4)Where .... your sister usually .... her summer holidays?
a) does .... spend b) has spent c) did .... spend
5).... was the weather like yesterday.
a)how b) what c)why
6)Are there .... English books in your library?-Yes, .... of them.
a)many...a lot b)a lot of....many c)mane...any
7)How long .... Tom to do his homework yesterday?
a)has it taken b)does it take c)did it take
8)Ann is sneezing and has a sore throat.She has .... a cold.
a) got b)fallen c) caught
9)Tom .... get up early today.It`s Sunday.
a)doesn`t have b)doesn`t have to c)hasn`t to
10)I`ve done my homework.I ... go for a walk now.
a)must b)can c)did
11)What about .... sweater?.... suits you well.
a)that .... it b)that ....He c) those....it
12)Your brother has never been to Franse, .... he?
a)hasn`t b)has c)does
13)What .... your mother ....?-She`s doctor.
a)is ... doing b) does ... do c)is ... job
14)This is .... book i have ever readю
a)good b)better c) the best


Ответ дал: Yannnex
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