present Simple
A- Choose the correct option.

1. He work / works hard.
2. The train leave / leaves at 6:00 a.m.
3. Tim kiss / kisses his mother before going to school.
4. Her classes finish / finishes at 3:30 p.m.
5. Mr. and Mrs Adams watch / watches TV after dinner.
6. Tim go / goes to the cinema.
7. Those boys play / plays football in the park.
8. She study / studies English.

B - Rewrite the sentences beginning with he or she.
1. I drink milk for breakfast.
He ______________________________________________________________________
2. They go to the cinema every Sunday.
She _____________________________________________________________________
3. You often miss the train.
She _____________________________________________________________________
4. We brush our teeth after meals.
He ______________________________________________________________________
5. They tidy their bedroom every week.
She _____________________________________________________________________
6. I catch the bus to school every morning.
He ______________________________________________________________________
7. We buy the newspaper on Saturdays.
He _______________________________


Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet
1. He works hard.
2. The train  leaves at 6:00 a.m.
3. Tim kisses his mother before going to school.
4. Her classes finish  at 3:30 p.m.
5. Mr. and Mrs Adams watch TV after dinner.
6. Tim goes to the cinema.
7. Those boys play  football in the park.
8. She studies English.

1. He drinkS milk for breakfast
2. She goES to the cinema every Sunday.
3. She often missES the train
4. He brushES our teeth after meals.
5. She tidiES their bedroom every week.
6. He catchES the bus to school every morning.
7. He buyS the newspaper on Saturdays.
He _______________________________

89082259028: спасибо большое
CherryTheSweet: :-))))
89082259028: ты мне очень помогла
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