1.It ... snow last Sunday
2 wasn't
3 isn't

2. Do the ... like apple juice?
1 baby
2 babies
3 child

3. He didn't give them ... sweets.
1 some
2 any
3 no

4. We shall not see ... funny there.
1 something
2 anything
3 nothing

5. Who ... you the book?
1 did give
2 does give
3 gave

6. ... a lot of vegetables in this shop .
1 They are
2 These are
3 There are

7. It doesn't often ... here.
1 snow
2 Snows
3 snowing

8. It ... now.
1 isn't raining
2 isn't rain
3 doesn't rain

9. She had a lot of questions, ... ?
1 hadn't she
2 didn't she
3 did she


Ответ дал: IrynkasHelp
= 2. Do the ... like apple juice?
2 babies
= 3. He didn't give them ... sweets.
2 any
= 4. We shall not see ... funny there.
2 anything 
= 5. Who ... you the book?
1 did give 
= 6. ... a lot of vegetables in this shop .
3 There are
= 7. It doesn't often ... here.
1 snow
= 8. It ... now.
1 isn't raining 
= 9. She had a lot of questions, ... ?
1 hadn't she
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